Kommer ni ihåg att jag jamade för en tid om Ledaren Otis och hans budskap? Och även berättade att katten Otis inte var helt kry, han kände att det snart var dags att tassa över Bron… Till min och mångas sorg, vi som uppskattar bloggen Cult of Otis och dess budskap, är det tungt att nu veta att den vackra tabbyn Otis lämnat sin kära familj…. Hans lärjunge broder Oliver berättar: ”With one last kiss on the forehead, and a whispered goodbye from the Guardians, Leader Otis let go. Bathed in sunlight He departed this world, surrounded by the love and gratitude of those fortunate enough to have shared His life.” *sniff*
Men Otis har lämnat ett viktigt Budskap – och jag tror att hans vilja är att detta Budskap sprids! Jag har själv läst det gång på gång och tagit till djupet av mitt hjärta. Därför citerar jag det här i sin helhet, i djupaste respekt och beundran:
My Final Message
My Disciples,
If you are reading this, I have departed. Let us first just acknowledge the weight of that. Our journey together was not nearly as long as I hoped it would be, but please know that it has been an honor to have met so many wonderful people, furred and non-furred, and to have shared the trials and triumphs of My life with you.
I know that during My long convalescence many of you were hoping and praying for a miracle to happen that would save My life, and it may seem like that miracle didn’t happen. But I need you to understand something. That miracle did happen. It did happen, and it did save My life, but it happened at the beginning, not the end.
The miracle that saved My life happened seven years ago when two humans looked out into their yard and saw a desperate, starving kitten looking back at them. They didn’t know who I was or where I had come from. They didn’t know what potential lay within Me, or the cat that I could become. They only knew that I needed their help. The miracle happened when they made the choice to rescue Me.
Had the Guardians not made that one, simple choice, I might have slipped into The Shadows forever. I would not have experienced seven blissful years filled with love and happiness in their care. I would never have met The Brothers, or Thomas, or Mama Cat. You would not know Me, or even know that I ever existed. There would be no Cult of Otis because there would be no Otis. In My darkest hour I needed a miracle and I got it, and the life I lived afterward was better than I could have ever imagined.
As all lives must, My life has come to an end. I know that, due to My young age, My end may seem tragically premature, but a life should be judged by its quality, not its length. I had a rich, full life, and all of you helped make it even more so. For that you have My everlasting gratitude.
But now I must finally say it, My Disciples, the hardest word of all.
Although My spirit has departed, a part of Me will remain. When you look out into the world without walls and see a cat in need looking back at you, I will be there by your side. You will feel My soft breath on your cheek and My purrs of encouragement in your ear. Listen closely, and through the purrs you will hear My final commandment come to you in a whisper:
Be the miracle.
So Sayeth Otis
Det var fullständigt tyst i KattHimlen, när Pärleporten sakta öppnades för att välkomna en mycket Speciell Katt… SkaparKatten och alla ÄnglaKatterna spann en stilla hymn och spanade nedåt RegnbågsBron, där den väntade katten kom vandrande med lugna och trygga steg. Det var Ledaren Otis, men nu en helad och stark Otis, som trädde genom Grinden. Alla katter reste sig och de jamade “MjauHurra!”
Men SkaparKatten sänkte sitt huvud i vördnad och bugade djupt för honom:
“Otis, du har varit en trogen katt, en god Ledare för dina Lärjungar, och ditt uppdrag är nu fullgjort till varje del. Vi är alla hedrade att få dela den Eviga Friden med dig! Och Ditt namn skall från och med nu vara “Sankte Otis”! Det är fullbordat!”