Ni som läst min blogg ett tag kommer säkert ihåg när jag berättade om Precious Peggy, den ”handikappade katten” som spred glädje bland barn och äldre tillsammans med sin matte Dawn Tolley i New Orleans. Här om dagen kom det några rader från dem igen, och det är så fint skrivet, att jag vill dela det med er:
Dear Wikki!
We had a real scare this July. Peggy came down with ”Fever of Unknown Origin” she ran a temp of 105 (Över 40 grader!) for around 6 days and we were very scared that we would lose her. I visited her every day and finally the vet said ”We’ve done all we can, take her home…”. Her fever peaked one more day after bringing her home and then returned to normal. I think she just needed to be with me. She’s been fine ever since. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared I promised her if she would live that I would never put her through any undo stress, so I have withdrawn her from the companion pet program She didn’t mind visiting the people, but becomes violently ill in the car before you even turn on the engine. I just felt it wasn’t necessary for her to become so ill every month.
I will miss the program, but have befriended an 86 year old wonderful lady who loves cats. I take the kittens to her and she babysits while I’m at work. It is so cute. They get lots of loving and she gets a wonderful day. Win, win on all accounts.
We are forever busy it seems, but I do think of your folks over the ocean often. Please let me know how you are doing and I’ll try to get an album of pictures of our recent kittens to you.
Love and kisses Peggy and Dawn
Jag lovar att visa bilder när de kommer! Det känns skönt att veta att det finns hängivna kattvänner i andra delar av världen också!

I’m sorry we haven’t written lately, but kitten season here has been TERRIBLE. We have sent 35 kittens in May, 30 in June, 20 in July and will be sending 40 in October to our No Kill Shelter in the northern part of the US that doesn’t have the kitten population we have. They too, have snow, like you, so their breeding seasons are less. Our breeding season is year round and we just always seem to have a million kittens to find homes for. At present I’m fostering 22 and have my 12 at my home. My day pretty much revolves around taking care of them and working to try to pay for the food and litter. Most are over 4 months now, so they just need loving and play time. I do have one that’s 7 ounces (220 gram) and two that are just over a pound (375 gram), but they are doing well. Thank God!