Katten Cubby jobbar som ”insamlarmagnet” till förmån för ett katthem på ett ganska ovanligt sätt.
Här följer Patricks berättelse:
Known as the ”Pike Place Market Cat,” Cubby loves his visits to the Market, where he’s been a beloved part of the community for many years. Cubby is visited by hundreds of the folks who live and work at the Market & regulars from all over the Northwest who drop by every weekend, and he has delighted travelers from all over the world.

Cubby’s live appearances at the Pike Place Market represent our cat sanctuary, where during the last 8 years we’ve placed over 200 unwanted or homeless cats with homes, over 50 cats with people who live or work in the Market area. We always keep our visits to the Market rather short so Cubby doesn’t get bored.
Ever seen a cat who loves to ride the bus? Our highly socialized cat Cubby does! During our short bus ride to the Market, Cubby gets his own seat, needs no leash, and does the ”happy dance” (kneading of the paws) all the way into town. He’s brought smiles to uncountable bus passengers.

Cubby shakes hands before amazed market visitors. When you see a ”trained” cat, you are seeing a cat that has been pampered & given attention to an extreme degree. (In reality, cat ”training” is the exact opposite of dog training, dogs want to be dominated, cats want to dominate you, we don’t actually train cats, they train us.)

Our method for ”socializing,” or way to get a cat to be this trusting, to where it can even go out in public, is to love-bomb it with toys, treats, good food, health care, and lots of your time. When people say cynical untrue things such as ”Cubby is on drugs,” that is slanderous to us, as it is completely untrue and undeserved. Our method of socializing cats to a highly trusting state is accomplished with extreme amounts of love and bonding and a great deal of our time and money.

There are many elderly people who reside in the low income housing developments in the neighborhood, many of whom are not allowed to have pets. Many visit Cub regularly, and sort of see him as theirs.
One of his favourites is 98-year-old Preston Koeger, who is frequently waiting for Cubby when we arrive in the morning!

The Market has been happy with our work there over the years, and has kindly issued us a permit to be there. Cubby literally believes that he owns the corner of Stewart and Pike Place as territory and that we the Cat Whisperers are his servants. We’re not at the Market to ”do cat tricks,” but to teach humans about cats and to give advice. Cubby lives a life of extreme luxury that, unfortunately, few cats ever get to experience. He is the king of an elaborate environment we’ve built for cats of catwalks, ladders, staircases, and a trunkful of toys and treats. We keep only a few cats at a time at our sanctuary to comply with city law. The majority of the funds for our cat projects comes from our own wages from our jobs, Patrick has a successful commercial art business and Jason makes sandwiches at Quiznos. We are also permitted to accept donations at the Market, all of which goes toward cats.
What have you done for cats today?
Du kan se mängder av bilder och film med Cubby här!
Vilken underbar kisse…och vilka bilder. Jag gick vidare och kollade runt och läste att den här killen, Jason, målar och på det sättet får de in lite pengar till verksamheten.
Den här målningen passar väl dig, Wikki…du brukar ju prata om den stora Skaparkatten…och här är han/hon på bild.
Här är länken till början av hans galleri…superhärliga målningar
Ja Skaparkatten var fin – jag ska skriva till dem och be att få låna den bilden också!
TassKram Wikki